Monday, November 16, 2015

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 was released last week and I can tell it's going to be a very engaging game.

All the standard FPS Fallout 4 stuff is here.  I like the expanded Fallout New Vegas style modifications for armor, weapons, etc. However, I miss the ammo creation from FONV.

I kind of miss the min/maxing aspect of creating the perfect starting character and carefully planning out perks.  However, I do enjoy that I don't necessarily have to start over if I choose the wrong thing... I can keep going knowing that I have plenty of other levels to gain.

A cool new feature is settlement building.  This takes a book from State of Decay in which you build up a settlement and recruit people, setup food/water, and defenses.  I like that this gives a much more survivalist perspective on how towns could be formed. 

Steam showed me at 139 hours for FONV.  Fallout 3 probably had a similar count but I had discs, not Steam for that.  Skyrim was over 160 hours as well, another Bethesda title.  All in all, I can tell that I'll be spending a lot of time in Fallout 4 

-The Engineerd

Monday, October 19, 2015

Kinda Funny Shoutout

This is a shout out to Kinda Funny Games.

I started following them late last year:

Many are former IGNers who went out and are producing a much more mature and honest approach to video game dicussion.

I relate to them on many topics especially regarding my diminishing time to play games and the nostalgia regarding older games

If you're looking for some great discussion, check them out.

-The Enginerd

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Vikings Win

Vikings win against KC.

It was a pretty dull game actually.  Only a few memorable plays, such as Teddy's toss to Rudolph and then KC's long screen on 3 and 10 when the Vikes did an all out blitz.

I'm glad for the win but it was not a real decisive victory against a poor KC team.

Hopefully they keep the momentum going as they need to win these next 4 as well since that's the soft part of their schedule.

-The Enginerd.

Wasteland 2 Director's Cut

Started my party in WL2 DC and so far I'm enjoying it.  Game has a very nice graphical upgrade and the new menus are easier to navigate.

Game feels buggy though.  A few odd bugs that keep cropping up with this new version.  Nothing crazy but just doesn't seem as polished.  The character portrait capture cuts off the top of the character's head and you can't re-position it.

More annoying is sometimes skill bars disappear on the character screen.  Relaoding the game appears to correct this.

These are pretty minor complains compared to the upgrades to how skills can be used by right clicking and the addition of perks (haven't gotten any yet, but looking forward to them).

Anyone else enjoying Wasteland 2 DC?

-The Enginerd

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fallout 4

Fallout 4.  I can't wait.  This game is going to be awesome.

As I posted about Wasteland 2... I'm more excited for Fallout 4.  Wasteland will be a great bridge into November when Fallout 4 is released.

I love the Fallout franchise.  It's been one of my favorites since I played Fallout 1 back in the 90's.  The atmosphere is fantastic.  The humor was great.  The character customization was awesome.

Looking forward to getting lost in that game when it comes out.

I'm sure I'll post more on Fallout 4 as it gets closer.

-The Enginerd

Friday, October 9, 2015

Wasteland 2 Director's Cut Approaches

Wasteland 2 Director's Cut is scheduled to be released October 13th.

I am highly anticipating this release as I was a kickstarter backer for Wasteland 2 (creators of the original Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 games when Interplay owned the Fallout series rights, I used to play a ton of F1 and F2 and also Fallout Tactics: BOS).

I have played a little bit of Wasteland 2, a very fun isometric post nuclear apocalyptic role playing game.  The problem is that as soon as I started getting into it, maybe 10 hours in, I discovered a better party.  So being the Min/Max player I like to be when possible, I restarted.

Then I discovered that they were releasing a Director's Cut version with Perks and Quirks and a bunch of other updates and features.

However, your saved game files would NOT be comparable with the new DC version.

So I decided to shelve the game last spring and wait for summer's release... which got delayed until October.

So now it's fast approaching, which means, I need to get my head into survival nuclear mode!

And Fallout 4 is also around the corner in November.  I'll write more about that as we get closer to November.

But for now, Wasteland 2 DC is what I'm looking forward to and will be high on the priority list when released.

-The Enginerd

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Video Game Backlog Status Oct 2015

After posting about my backlog, I thought I should publish my current top 10.

Game System
Diablo 3 PC
Dragon Age II Xbox 360
Wasteland 2 PC
NCAA FB 2012 Xbox 360
LOTR:  Shadows of Mordor Xbox 360

1)  Still continuing to play D3 pretty regularly, especially with Season 4 out and patch 2.3, which introduced cube items, adding another great customization to how you spec your char.  This is an ongoing thing for me, I just like smashing through baddies on my Barb or Sader.  Just a good off and on proposition if I'm bored and have 30 min to kill.

 2)  DA2 has been on my list for a long time.  I'm about 60% through it.  I waited a long time to start this one, bought it for $10 on a black Friday sale years ago.  I had always heard it was not as good as DA1 Origins and you just spent all game in town.  I like DA2 and find it really fun, and wishing I would have played it sooner.  The problem is not with the game itself, it's finding time on the main TV with the Xbox to be able to play it when my wife and kids often want the TV or are awake.  It's my top Xbox 360 game to finish.  Then I can add DA Inquisition to the list.

3)  Wasteland 2 Director's Cut.  Highly Anticipating this one.  I'll post a separate topic on this one tomorrow.

4)  FB 2012... yeah 2012.  It was the last one I purchased.  It had custom conferences which made it basically as good as any future year's game.  The gameplay is solid and I kick ass in it.  I created my sons and nephews in the game at about the age they would be going to college and then recruited them and made some superstar teams.  I think I have about 25 seasons completed on this dynasty.  Just need to finish a few more seasons with my latest son now!

5)  LOTR:SOM is freaking awesome.  It's like part Batman Arkham Asylum, part RPG, part action game, plus it's LOTR.  I really need to get back into this one and finish it off.  It suffers from the same fate as #2 DA2 because of the TV thing.

Fall and Winter are approaching which means I may get more Video Game time.  Or let's at least hope!

-The Enginerd