Thursday, October 8, 2015

Video Game Backlog Status Oct 2015

After posting about my backlog, I thought I should publish my current top 10.

Game System
Diablo 3 PC
Dragon Age II Xbox 360
Wasteland 2 PC
NCAA FB 2012 Xbox 360
LOTR:  Shadows of Mordor Xbox 360

1)  Still continuing to play D3 pretty regularly, especially with Season 4 out and patch 2.3, which introduced cube items, adding another great customization to how you spec your char.  This is an ongoing thing for me, I just like smashing through baddies on my Barb or Sader.  Just a good off and on proposition if I'm bored and have 30 min to kill.

 2)  DA2 has been on my list for a long time.  I'm about 60% through it.  I waited a long time to start this one, bought it for $10 on a black Friday sale years ago.  I had always heard it was not as good as DA1 Origins and you just spent all game in town.  I like DA2 and find it really fun, and wishing I would have played it sooner.  The problem is not with the game itself, it's finding time on the main TV with the Xbox to be able to play it when my wife and kids often want the TV or are awake.  It's my top Xbox 360 game to finish.  Then I can add DA Inquisition to the list.

3)  Wasteland 2 Director's Cut.  Highly Anticipating this one.  I'll post a separate topic on this one tomorrow.

4)  FB 2012... yeah 2012.  It was the last one I purchased.  It had custom conferences which made it basically as good as any future year's game.  The gameplay is solid and I kick ass in it.  I created my sons and nephews in the game at about the age they would be going to college and then recruited them and made some superstar teams.  I think I have about 25 seasons completed on this dynasty.  Just need to finish a few more seasons with my latest son now!

5)  LOTR:SOM is freaking awesome.  It's like part Batman Arkham Asylum, part RPG, part action game, plus it's LOTR.  I really need to get back into this one and finish it off.  It suffers from the same fate as #2 DA2 because of the TV thing.

Fall and Winter are approaching which means I may get more Video Game time.  Or let's at least hope!

-The Enginerd

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