Thursday, October 1, 2015

Trump for real?

I'm a republican, always have believed in the American Dream of working hard and being rewarded.  I'm not against helping people who are in need, but I don't like the loopholes in society that allow those who don't really need it to siphon off the rest of us.

Anyway,  I enjoy the political dramas as much as the next person (How amazing is Netflix's House of Cards, seriously, so good).

I've been watching the debates, reading articles, etc... but is Trump for real?  Will people really vote for him as the polls suggest?

It feels like when Minnesota elected Jesse Ventura.  Everyone was so fed up with the same old politics that any outsider could do better.  Trump sort of feels like that right now too.

And maybe he can run the economy well.  I don't know.

What I do know is that Trump would assemble the best team possible, that's what a businessman would do.  He doesn't have to be the expert, he has to have a good team.  Politicians have too many favors to fill, to give back to those who helped them rise.  A businessman does not necessarily have that, as he needs a strong team, and he may play favorites but he knows that person will have the strengths for the job.

-The Enginerd

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